Let’s Start a Movement

6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues

6 Months to Live began November 11, 2009 as a personal 6-month experiment, and more than two years later, it has grown into a life philosophy. Today the blog has almost 26,000 visits, nearly 450 subscribers, and is soon to be a web TV show. I am so grateful and honored by all of you who read, comment, like, subscribe, tweet, post, pledge on Kickstarter, nominate the blog for awards, etc. It is because of each and every one of you that this experiment in living has become what it is today. 

In my Kickstarter video, I wrote “Let’s Start a Movement.” I wholeheartedly believe that now more than ever is an opportunity for positive change in our world. Those of us in the States and in Europe have experienced very difficult times with the recession and those in other parts of the world have experienced massive changes in…

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Filed under Favourites, Interests, Re-blogged

2 responses to “Let’s Start a Movement

  1. So glad you liked the post, Devina! Thanks so much for all your support! 🙂

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