Tag Archives: Advil

Rainbow poison

It looks like I’m going to be on a roll with Picture It and Write! Awesome possum (that didn’t make an ounce of sense but I like it) Ah well, here’s last weeks prompt.
https://i0.wp.com/fc09.deviantart.net/fs15/i/2007/063/7/4/Pills__by_howdarntragic.jpg“Morning ma,” I called as I skidded, socked feet on smooth hardwood floor, moon dancing my way to the kitchen table.”Good morning, and please for the millionth time don’t do that!” she snapped out the last half frowning just as Matt did exactly the same thing but, unlike me, he fell on his behind, hard. I sniggered as he sat on the stool and he shot me a look, he’ll be sore all day.

“Mathew! Oh, why do I even say it?” Clang! went the frying pan on the burner. Just like that the room got tense.

I got serious then, contemplating her over the rim of my glass of 5% real orange juice. Her hair had escaped her hasty bun, chestnut tendrils of it stuck to her damp forehead and the nape of her neck as she whipped the eggs around in the pan, a fury of clangs and bangs. Her face was grim and coated in her special shade of reddish pink, a sign of change of her capricious mood.

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Filed under Picture it and Write!, Writing