Tag Archives: frustration

A case of split identity

I have serious shit to do, like work stuff with real consequences and do you know what I’m doing?

Guess. Take a wild one.

I think perhaps some of you know. When the deadline approaches like when Dean Winchester grabs pie … I procrastinate aggressively. I’ve gone and made myself yet another side blog, and I’m not talking about the writing one I made last month.

This one is purely for serious thought not related to books. But HC&B has been my base for six years now and spreading out content (of any nature) away from this blog tears at my mind little by little, yet I go and do it all over again.

*frustrated scream*

It’s not as if I have the f*cking time. There’s no problem with compartmentalizing overall, I guess. It’s me running a marathon with a fire on my head. I do not have good impulse control when it matters the most.

Therefore, it’s time for drastic measures. I’m enlisting one of my sisters to help me put all my books in storage, leaving my desk bereft and glaring. I’ve tried this in the past, goodness knows how I tried, but never quite managed to not leave a book. I’m fed up with myself is what I am.

I’ll just have to survive.


Filed under Books, Thoughts

Frustration: a painting in words

Frustration is defined as the feeling of being upset or annoyed when unable to achieve or change something. It’s a kaleidoscope of mismatched emotions born of my own inability to change, to develop in order to achieve what I possibly can. Personally, it is for – the most part – a two-toned orange and black fighting for dominance and you know you’re down for the count when they beat each other to a nasty mud brown.

Frustration is sometimes like being thirsty. So thirsty and the thought strikes you that, yes, the Sahara had to have been an ocean ages ago. A tall glass of water sits before you. Your frustration can be defined by either not being able to reach it; or having it in your hands, the condensation dripping wetly down your knuckles but finding that you refuse to drink.

Often, no … many times, the orange wins and the black and mud would swirl down and away into the abyss of a sinkhole. And it’s fine for now.

Continue reading


Filed under Thoughts

How I deal with stress

Stress and frustration. Oy. Everyone has them but we deal with them differently and sometimes a few methods aren’t exactly W.H.O approved but whatever, we just gotta vent right? I so can’t wait until these wretched exams are done and over with. After I complete the last one, I’m sprinting over the the book shop and getting myself a good fix. For now? Well, I do this stuff:

  • Dance

Every single time I listen to this Hall and Oats hit, I have to dance. I have no choice but succumb to the inescapable lure of the peppy beats and Daryl’s energetic vocals. This is my feel-good song. I will rock, shimmy and shake to it forever. FOREVER!

  • Chocolate


Chocolate understands me. Really understands me. Continue reading


Filed under Misc.