Sunday Shots

Ugh! I need to get out more, I only get to take photos of the same places over and over again, there might be the little things I can zoom in on but I’d like to travel some more (sighs) There will be time for that later I suppose. Oh well here are a few pics for today.

Now, the sky scape is ever changing and I just love love love it! Here’s how the Guyanese sky looks where I am.

There’s more. It looks like a heavy pewter quilt above my head. My rain dance must have worked! Just kidding, it never works, it’s rainy season right now.

Monday came just too soon 😦 Oh well, Happy Sunday you dudes and dudettes out there! 😀


Filed under Photography

7 responses to “Sunday Shots

  1. Beautiful photos Devina 🙂 I love the blue sky – always fills me with peace of mind…

  2. happy Sunday to you–and sunny skies

  3. Nice cloud shots querida Amiga 🙂

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